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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HIRING SHOP.COM +cogwheel 35
cogwheel 30
HITASA +cogwheel & square 12
HITBLOCK +ovals & cogwheel 24
HK +square oval & cogwheel 6
HK HOTEL KAVERI +cogwheel 42
HL SANMAYA +cogwheel 11
HLC +cogwheel 7, 18
HM +flower & cogwheel 29
HMI +cogwheel 7
HOLKAR +man & cogwheel 7
HONEST GROUP +cogwheel drop 35
HOTEL AYODHYA +cogwheel 43
HOUSIE CYCLE STOP +cogwheel 35
cogwheel 30
HP HETTICH PODDAR +cogwheel 41
HP PAUS +cogwheel & square 7, 12
HPGIC +building & cogwheel 35
HPI +cogwheel 7, 12
HRB GEARS +cogwheel 12
HRC +cogwheel & arrows 14
HS HYKO SYNERGIES +cogwheel 12, 30, 37, 43
HSW +cogwheel 35
HT HINDUSTAN'S +cogwheel 24
HUALONG +cogwheel & stripes 7
HUE +cogwheel 41
HV +cogwheel 17
HW HEIGHT-WAY +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 7, 35, 37
HYCOUNT pumps +cogwheel 7
HYDRA 100 +cogwheel & ribbo 19
HYDROTECH +cogwheel & shiel 41
HYGLOW +cogwheel 7
HYMARK +plants cogwheel ova 7
I INDOFLEX +cogwheel 7
I SEE +cogwheel 9
I-CUT +cogwheel 7
I-GRIND +cogwheel & square 7
I.T. T.C. +cogwheel & wreat 41
IA +cogwheel 12
IAW ISHER +cogwheel 8
ICAR-NRCB +plant & cogwheel 7, 22, 35, 41, 42
cogwheel 1, 16, 19
ICAR-NRCB +tree & cogwheel 29, 31, 32, 44
cogwheel 35
ICOL +cogwheel 7
ICSI +cogwheel 16, 35, 41
ICTE +cogwheel 41
ICUC +cogwheel 35
IDOMAX +cogwheel 5
IDT +cogwheel 42
IEI IEICOS +cogwheel & oval 9
IEW +cogwheel 7
IF ICE FIRE +cogwheel circl 11
IFE INDOSIM +cogwheel 6
IFW +cogwheel 7
IGNY +cogwheel & ribbon 41
IIA +cogwheel 16, 42, 45
IIAEIT +cogwheel & aircraft 41
IKEAVIRA +cogwheel 12
IKKA DUKKA +cogwheel 21
cogwheel 37
IM +cogwheel 6
IMAGINATION I3 +cogwheel 25
IMAX +cogwheel 18
IMT +cogwheel 7
IMTE INSTITUTE +cogwheel 40, 41
IN STAT +stripes & cogwheel 9, 35
INDER +cogwheel & circle 12
INDEX +triangle & cogwheel 7
INDEXPO +cogwheel 35
INDIAN ART RIDE +cogwheel 36
INDIGEN +man & cogwheel 42
INDIGOIL +drops & cogwheel 4, 37
INDITRON +cogwheel & needle 9
INDO BOX +box & cogwheel 7, 8, 35
INDOGRAIN +cogwheel & ribbo 30
INDURO +hexagon & cogwheel 3
INDUS EXPO +cogwheel 42
cogwheel 35
INFO ECCENTRICS +cogwheel 42
INMMUL +cogwheel & square 6, 11
INSERT +cogwheel & square 18, 25
INTEC +cogwheel 35
IOT +cogwheel 4, 35, 37, 39
IOT AEC +cogwheel & squares 37
cogwheel 41
IPMA +cogwheel 41
IPS +cogwheel arcs & square 3
IPS BOMBAAT +cogwheel 3
IRF CERTIFIED +cogwheel tic 14
cogwheel 16, 41
IS MONICLOT +cogwheel squar 5
ISCO +cogwheel 6
ISCO +cogwheel & ribbon 6, 35
ISDTI +map cogwheel & wreat 41
ISEM +book lamp & cogwheel 41
ISKCON +cogwheel 3, 29
ISTE +book & cogwheel 41
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